Monday, October 9, 2017

Pence Is the Real Threat [Opinion]

During the 2016 Presidential Election, I could not bring myself to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.  I chose to cast my vote for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson.  Some say I threw away my vote or wasted it, but I disagree.  I voted my conscience and in good faith I can not stray from my own personal morals or values and vote for either of those candidates.  I'm the one that has to go to bed every night and live with my vote and I can say I sleep very well at night knowing I didn't vote for either of those two monsters.

To be completely honest, I didn't know enough about Trump to vote yes for him. I wasn't sold on his speeches or what he was selling. I didn't know where his true loyalties were at or what was truly important to him.  Furthermore, his public rallies left much to be desired of a potential Presidential candidate, however, even I did not think he would claim victory as he did.  His childish antics, were somewhat hilarious at the time and to be completely honest and transparent, I thought he was the instigator that America needed to push back from something I call liberal saturation overload.

On the flip side, I knew way too much about Hillary and there was no way in Hell she was ever going to get my vote.  She's a fraud, a phony, a liar, she's gotten people killed, and everyone around her ends up murdered or dead under mysterious circumstances.

Liberal saturation overload in my mind is what I call when liberals shove everything down your throat, LGBT, women's rights, gun control, political correctness (to name a few) and they are relentless in doing it and never let up with their agenda. People in America were sick of it and they fought back by voting.  I'm typically fine with some sorts of liberalism, it's NEEDED in this country to maintain a balance, however when the balance is skewed heavily to one side it becomes a problem and that's what happened on November 4th, 2016.

America decided it had enough of the liberal agenda being forced down their throat and Donald Trump was elected President.

In the background though, sits Vice President Mike Pence.  Mostly unnoticed by the liberals, he quietly does his job, rarely speaking out, rarely commenting on anything.  Instead he lets Trump do all the footwork, and letting him doing all the talking and provoking.  That's after all what a Vice President usually does.

In my lifetime and my experience dealing with people, the mouthy ones aren't the one's that you need to worry about.  It's the quiet ones you have to be concerned with and I think this situation is absolutely no different.

Liberals, Athletes and Hollywood elites alike have disgustingly called for the assassination of the President of the United States. Kathy Griffin photoshopped herself holding Donald Trump's severed head in her hand.  Even a Democratic elected representative from Missouri called for Trump's assassination.

Likewise, many politicians on both side of the political spectrum have called for the impeachment of Donald Trump.

However, having looked at the history of Mike Pence as the Governor of Indiana, I think to assassinate or impeach Trump would be a very grave mistake with horrific consequences that none of could fathom.

Pence's Anti-LGBT hatred burns within him much like the fire that burned within Adolf Hitler for his disgust with Jews.  Pence wants to rid America of all sexual deviants, and gender non-conforming individuals.  Now I know that being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender does not make us sexual deviants or gender non-conforming, but that's not how Pence views it.

Pence is a very religious man with very steadfast beliefs and he takes every the Bible very seriously and considers it the handwritten book of God, even though it's really nothing more than a collection of fictitious fairytales and bedtime stories in my opinion. He takes the parts in the Bible that speak about the condemnation of homosexuality very literally.  He believes life and love consist of one man and one woman. Anything else is a deviancy in his mind and one that needs to be eradicated from the American lifestyle. Women should submit to men, Men are to be leaders and they are to marry and have children and continue the family lineage.  That's Pence's ideals of the American Family.  There is no room in his mind for anything else.

It's impossible to know 100% exactly what any person is truly thinking, but Pence's actions support many of my statements.

Does that mean he necessarily wants to "kill" or "murder" LGBT people? No. Does that make him a genocidal maniac? No. I don't know that about him, but to be honest...I'd rather not find out and I'd rather my LGBT brothers and sisters alike not have to find that out either.

Let's not fool ourselves either though by giving Mike Pence the benefit of the doubt.  The alignment with Trump was by blatant design.

By putting Trump out front and running as the Vice President he can sit back while Trump does what he wants and says what he wants [more like directed].  Trump can inflame the masses, get everyone worked up, pissed off and mad as hell and if someone takes Trump out...Pence becomes the President by default and is now free to carryout his disgusting Anti-LGBT policies and wage his war as he sees fit. If Trump is impeached, he can likewise do the same.

Trump has a long history of dealing with LGBT people, people of color, he dated a black woman, he allowed Jenna Talackova who is a transgender woman to compete in his Miss Universe contest when he had no obligation to do so.  Am I defending Trump? No, I certainly am not, but what I AM saying is that Trump's actions do not make any sort sense based on his history of being a very accepting individual and a businessman.  Racism, sexism, anti-LGBT hate and religious bigotry do not bode well for business in any sorts.

This is why I think Pence is the man in the background quietly pulling strings, and directing Trump what to do and what not to do.  There has to be some sort of incentive for Trump to go along with Pence's plans and wishes, and what that is I do not know.  Perhaps Pence has some sort of leverage or evidence against Trump and at this point all I can do is speculate.

Either way, it's not good for us, it's not good for America.  So I implore EVERYONE out there to stop calling for the assassination of Donald Trump and I implore you to pray, hope, wish that he isn't brought up on impeachment charges.

Instead, I implore you to get out and educate people, talk to people, get people mobilized to vote, help them get them registered to vote. If they don't have a way to get to the polls, get some friends together, rent a van or a couple vans and make sure you help pick them up get them there and get them home.  The only way to stop this machine is to VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE. We must take back the mid-terms in 2018 and then take back the Presidency in 2020. There is no AND, IF or BUT's about it. WE MUST NOT FAIL.

If you still feel the need to wish death on someone, call for their assassination or impeachment...then by all means, please aim that vitriol at Mike Pence...because American can NOT afford for him to become the President of the United States because if that happens, I fear what WILL happen if he does and I fear for America and every LGBT individual in this country.  Mike Pence is the REAL threat and he is WAY worse than Donald Trump could ever hope to be.