Saturday, April 8, 2017


My first 3 weeks home after recovery were pretty intense and difficult. They were the hardest part of the entire surgery and recovery process.

After returning home from surgery on Friday March 3rd, 2017, I had plenty of helpers coming and go, people to visit with me for emotional support, but not always exactly on the dates and times that I needed it.  Several times, I got a little sad and lonely, but I never went very long without somewhere coming by to visit or help out.

The first day home was nice.  I didn't really have anyone there, it was quiet.  My apartment complex ladies came up to visit me.  I was able to walk and get around, but very very sore.  It was unpleasant, I used my pain meds to take the edge off, I slept a lot, I ate the good food I had prepared and put in the freezer before I left (15 tupperware containers full of food).

I won't go into detail of every single day, because I don't quite remember every single one of them, but for the most part, I watched movies, I slept, I dilated 4 times a day, I showered frequently and I played on my phone.  There wasn't much else I could do.

A week after I got home, Melinda drove me to the county courthouse so I could file the motion to change my gender marker on my birth certificate.  I ran into some issues with the court clerk who tried telling me that because I changed my name in another state, that the Court didn't have any jurisdiction over my birth certificate.  Sorry, that is not the case.  I requested a manager and we got it all sorted out.  That lady had no clue what she was talking about.  The only way a Colorado Court won't have any jurisdiction to change a birth certificate is if you were NOT born in Colorado.  Name changes have nothing to do with anything.  As long as the name change was legal and you have a court certified order of the name change with you, then there is no issue as all Courts recognize official court orders from other cities and states.  That's how our Justice system works.  That lady got dressed down by the Judge for not doing her continuing education.  So I went before the Judge, and swore in and answered the questions and she signed off on it and it was done.  I went home happy that all I had left to do was get a new copy of my birth certificate.

I tried to go to the St. Patty's Day parade but a friend wasn't feeling well, so I didn't get to go.  I sat at home bored and disappointed.  I've never been to a St. Patty's Day parade or celebrated or anything.  That Monday I know I over did it completely.  The 13th I got up early, dilated, showered and then took the car downtown.  This was the first time I had driven since before my surgery.  My bottom area hurt quite a bit when I sat in the seat.  I brought a cushion that helped some, but not very much.  I got down to the Social Security office early, stood in line and was about 10 people back.  At 9 am, they opened up and I went in got my number and only waited 10 minutes.  I changed my gender marker in the system and got a receipt and then I left.  From there I opened up a safety deposit at a nearby bank and put some documents in, then left.  I drove to the Dept of Public Health building a few miles away and spent about 30 minutes in there waiting to get my new birth certificate.  It was an awesome moment when I got my new birth certificate.  I was legally a female according to the state of Colorado.  No state can ever make me use a male bathroom again.  Period. EVER.

Afterwards, I went to the grocery store, grabbed a few necessities, stopped and snagged a large french fry and a Shamrock shake from McDonald's (I usually don't eat there, but fries and shamrock shakes sounded so wonderful) and I went home.

I got home, dilated and then a visitor showed up to keep me company for awhile. Later that evening, everything went to hell in a hand basket.  I couldn't pass a bowel movement, I was backed up and it wasn't coming out.  I was constipated.  I started taking some docusate, dolculax and metamucil.  About 4:45 pm, I finally had a bowel movement after 2 1/2 days of not having one and it was the most brutal, horrifying pain I have ever felt.  A sharp, constant pain.  Being constipated and having hard stool had irritated internal hemmorhoids.  We all have them, but most of don't know we have them...until they become a major problem.  I sat on the toilet and I cried for a half hour because it hurt so bad.  My pain level was a 9.5 on a scale of 10.  Finally I drug myself back to bed, and I laid there but the pain was awful.  I was also dehydrated which didn't help matters any.  About 8:30 pm, I couldn't take it anymore and went to the hospital.  They were useless and couldn't do anything for me. Couldn't give me any painkillers since it would further irritate the issue at hand. I went home and did my best to sleep.  Got up the next morning and did some research and went to the grocery and got high fiber foods.  Blackberries, raspberries, oatmeal, peas, carrots, broccoli, wheat bread.  For a week solid I ate jello, bomb pops, soup, and the aforementioned foods, scrambled eggs and applesauce.  It was better than the alternative.  My stool was liquid for 2 weeks, but that was ok by me.  Better that, than to have that brutal pain again.  A week later I got into the doctor's office only to be told there wasn't much that could be done and that I just needed to modify my diet by adding more fiber.

Melinda and her Mom took me to celebrate the day I now recognize as my birthday (the day I legally changed my name).  We went and got Mexican food.  The doctor said I could eat whatever, just add fiber daily and drink metamucil 3 times a day.  After a week of being on a soft diet, real food was GOOD to eat.  Also had a banana cream pie for dessert at home.

The second and third week, I was sore as I can ever remember being.  I felt like someone had stretched all my muscles between my legs and drew them tight like a rubber band.  I never thought that feeling would end, but it only lasted about 14-17 days.  I was sure glad when it stopped.

Melinda took me to one of my therapist appointments and then her Mom took me the following week.

At the end of that week, I was on my own.  I was out walking, getting exercise, doing things around the apartment on my own.  I didn't need any help with much of anything.  I still didn't have all my energy, but I could drive, run errands and get around pretty good.  Melinda still checks in on me from time to time.

The soreness and hemmorhoids were the worst part, and I'm well past that now.  I've been doing little things around the apartment.  I can cook, clean, do laundry, wash dishes and what not.

I was dilating 4 times a day for the first 4 weeks and it was wearing on me a lot, but I'm now down to 3 times a day and it is so much more manageable than 4 times.  At the end of May, I'll reduce to twice a day.

I had my 6 week follow-up via Skype last Monday.  Everything is healing as it should, there are no complications or setbacks.  I do have some granulations deep in the vagina which are causing some mild burning and light pain when I dilate so I have to go see the gynecologist at the beginning of the week and have silver nitrate applied to the granulations to remove them.

I have full sensation in my clitoris (which this really excites me).  I've been granted permission by my doctor to self-explore, but not to use any sex toys or have any sexual penetration.  Exploring my new clitoris the other night was amazing.  I almost achieved my first female orgasm but not quite.  I was sooooooo close! It felt completely amazing too.  I've had some vaginal sexual sensations from dilating so there's pleasurable sensations there too.

I'm feeling much better, I have more energy and I'm able to go longer without sleeping.  However, I am trying to get as much rest as possible, exercise and have a balanced day.

I was also able to call my high school and get my transcripts updated with my legal name and I should be getting a copy in the mail in the next few weeks.  I am still working with Jostens to get my HS Diploma reprinted with my legal name as well, they just have to verify with the school.  The cost is $30.00

So that's how my recovery has been.  First 3 weeks home were the worst.  After that, it's all pretty easy sailing.  I'm enjoying the time off work, getting things done and doing some things that I want to do while I have the chance.

On April 12th, I will be approximately 7 weeks post-op.  Getting close to my time to go back to work.  I don't have to be back till the end of May, because I made sure to leave myself adequate time to recover physically and emotionally after the surgery, but I see no need to take that entire time off if I'm able to work and can do my job without pain.  So I'll probably be going back to work in early May.

So in closing, I probably won't update this post because there's not much to report with recovery.  Most of my recovery is done.  Scars have to heal, dilation will continue, but the worst is over, the hard part is behind me, the rest is day to day stuff, taking care of my body and my new vagina and breasts and enjoying being a female.

The novelty hasn't worn off.  I don't expect it will until everything's fully healed and I've gotten to enjoy it sexually a lot and explored it to it's full potential.  If it never wears off that's ok with me too. :)

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