Monday, March 20, 2017

Bottom Surgery

Bottom Surgery is also known as gender reassignment surgery.

For the purposes of this discussion, I will primarily refer to male to female gender reassignment surgery.  I will have some information on female to male gender reassignment surgery at the bottom of this post.

Male to Female Gender Reassignment Surgery
Depending on what surgeon you go to, mtf bottom surgery can either consist of one or two surgeries.

Some surgeons do the vaginoplasty and urethroplasty first, then they ask you to come back and do a labiaplasty procedure.  Most surgeons do everything all at once as this is the preferred method for the patient.  Some patient's will also have a Breast Augmentation done at the same time of GRS.

Vaginoplasty is the construction of the neo-vagina from the patient's existing genitals.
Urethroplasty is the shortening and widening of the urethra to accomodate the neo-vagina.
Labiaplasty is the construction of the labia minor and labia majora.
Breast Augmentation is the insertion of breast implants under the upper chest muscles.

This is a digital animation of the male to female gender reassignment procedure.

You can search YouTube for full videos of the actual surgeries, but I'm not inclined to post them here as they are pretty graphic in nature.  The digital animations are much cleaner and you can actually see everything without all the blood and raw components to get a better understanding of what is involved.

Patients can expect a 6-8 week recovery process following this surgery.  I will have a blog post specifically regarding my entire surgery process that I will post at a later date.  I will link it in this post when I do.

The most common fear regarding this surgery is how much pain will you endure after the surgery.  I can personally tell you my pain was not that bad.  I had a constant dull ache between my legs from the moment I woke up to about 2 weeks after surgery.  My pain level was about a 4 on a scale of 10. Very manageable.

To put this level of pain into perspective, I developed internal hemmorhoids the 2nd week after I was home (3 weeks after surgery) due to the narcotic pain meds and getting dehydrated and that was brutally worse than the pain of surgery itself.  I was at a pain level 9.5 on a scale of 10.

So if you're scared of the pain from the surgery, fear not, it's not as bad as you think it will be.  This was my personal biggest fear going into the surgery because I do not deal well with pain.

Female to Male Gender Reassignment Surgery

Since I am a transwoman, I am largely uneducated about the procedures for a female to male transgender patient, so my descriptions will be brief and basic.

This is a digital animation of the female to male gender reassignment procedure.  Also known as phalloplasty.

Beyond this information, I'm afraid I'm very ignorant and I don't wish to put out false or inaccurate information.  If you're a transgender man and you'd like to contribute to this section, please feel free to contact me at and I will post your writing in this section and give you credit for your contribution.

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