Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Support Groups

There are several organizations in the Denver metro area that offer support groups for transgender, gender non-conforming and intersex individuals, including cross-dressers and drag queens.

I won't sit here and tell you which ones to go to and which one's not to go to, but I will say this.  Any support group that encourages, coerces or says you should vote a certain way, think a certain way, behave a certain way, or do certain things is in the wrong.

Support groups are just that....a group for support.  They're there to provide emotional support from the leaders and other attendees, to help you through tough times, to be of assistance when needed, and to provide gentle guidance.

Not to influence you, persuade you, coerce you or otherwise make you feel you have to do something in return.

Your transition is exclusive to you.  Everyone reacts differently to different things, some people are slow in their transitions, others are fast.  Some people take awhile to adapt to new things, circumstances, people and habits, while others embrace it and take to these things easily.  Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not woman enough, not feminine or masculine appearing enough, need to do this or that to prove you are trans.

But at the same time, keep in mind, the goal of transition is to appear and behave as closely as possible to the gender that you identify closest with.  If you don't know how to do something then don't be afraid to ask for help.  Someone in your group will know about hair removal, clothing fashion, makeup, hair styling, female etiquette (walking, talking, sitting, mannerisms, etc).  Someone will know.

Support groups can be a valuable resource to connect you with other individuals like yourself.  You can meet new friends, help each other with situations, as most of you will be in various stages of your transition, each of you has something to offer the other.

Respectively, support groups can also be a source of drama.  I've found this out in the past when people got angry they didn't get their way with something, or didn't like this or that.  I once offered to design a new website for one support group that I was in.  The website was in desperate need of updating both from an graphics standpoint and a content standpoint.  The girl who was maintaining it got so angry she threatened me with a gun.  Nothing is worth getting that worked up about.  Another girl in another group I was in years later destroyed my car that she had been working on and refused to put it back together leaving me with a $1400 bill.  So be careful with these support groups.  I'm not saying they are all like that or this will happen to you, I'm just saying be wary of who you trust and to what extend.  There may be drama in some of these groups.

Colorado Transgender Support Groups

Gender Identify Center of Colorado
120 Bryant St.
Denver, CO 80219
Phone: (303) 202-6466

GLBT Center of Colorado
1301 E Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80218
Phone: (303) 733-7743

Northern Colorado Pride & Equality

It Takes A Village
Aurora, CO 80010
Phone: (303) 367-4747

Out Boulder
Phone: 303-499-5777 (Boulder)
Phone: 720.600.4138 (Longmont)
Boulder Pridehouse
2132 14th St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Longmont Pridehouse
463 Main Street
Longmont, CO 80501

PFLAG Denver Chapter
1290 Williams Street
Ste 001
Denver, CO 80218
Phone: 303 573 5861
Email: pflagden@tde.com

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